Ankei Takako (Japan) | Ms. Ankei is a doctor of science by her study of bacteriology in Japan. She teaches biology, ecology and cultural anthropology in a variety of schools and universities as a part-time lecturer. She is a member of committees of Yamaguchi Prefecture and express opinions on the side of plants and animals against arrogant alteration of forest, swamps, rivers, and the ocean. |
Berger Christian | Beer historian. Former brewer of the first microbrewery created in Paris in 1987. Co-author with Ph. Duboë-Laurence of the Livre de l'amateur de bière, published by R. Laffont in 1985 (translated in Finish "Oluen ystävän opas", and Spanish "El libro del amante de la Cerveza"). In charge of this website. |
Cissé Oumar Ibn Khatab | Teacher-Researcher at the National School of Agriculture. Senegal. He has published a synthesis of research on the brewing of traditional Senegalese beers using amylolytic plants. |
Griffon Dany | Dany was a brewery-engineer from the Ecole de Nancy and had a doctorate in food science. He has gained worldwide recognition for his research on tropical starches and their use in the production of indigenous beers (Munkoyo beer). He set up the "Agri-food Engineers Dept. for Warm Regions", now part of the Institute for Warm Regions within Montpellier SupAgro. Dany co-authored with Jean-Paul Hébert Toutes les bières moussent-elles ? (Ed. Quae). Dany died on February 2, 2021. |
Hébert Jean-Paul | Jean-Paul is a brewery engineer from the Ecole de Nancy, professor emeritus at the École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires (Massy, Montpellier), now part of AgroParisTech. Jean-Paul co-authored with Dany Griffon Toutes les bières moussent-elles ? (Ed. Quae). |
Jolly Éric | Eric is an anthropologist in charge of research at the CNRS - HDR. Institute of African Worlds. Éric has published his thesis on the "Dogon drinking" (Boire avec esprit. Bière de mil et société dogon, Nanterre, Société d'ethnologie, collection Sociétés africaines, 2004) and articles on related topics. "Bars et cabarets du pays dogon. Un boire individuel ou communautaire ?", Socio-Anthropologie, 15. 2003, "L'ivresse du terrain. Une enquête sur la bière de mil dans la société dogon", in Lionel Obadia (ed.): L'ethnographie comme dialogue. Immersion et interaction dans l'enquête de terrain, Paris, Publisud, 2003, p. 91-136. |
Lacambre Denis | Denis is a lecturer at the University of Lille and a HALMA researcher (CNRS Joint Research Unit 8164). He has published an article on the brewing ratios used in the Palaeo-Babylonian period. |
Magot Alexandre | His blog of a Frenchman in Mali « Dans un cabaret de dolo » |
Seignobos Christian | Christian is a geographer and director of research at the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD). He is a prominent and acknowledged specialist of North Cameroon and has published articles about the « beer cabarets » in this part of the African world. |