Gesellschaft für Geschichte des Brauwesens e. V. (GGB)
The Society of History of Brewing (GGB) is a non-profit-making organization. The Society was founded 1913 in Berlin. It is traditional, but it is open minded for modern developments. Members of GGB are companies from the brewing, malting and supplier industries as well as private individuals from throughout Europe. Brewers, malsters, collectors of beer labels, mugs etc., students and scholars of biotechnology, history, social anthropology and archaeology come together in the GGB.
The society helps to form cross links between the history of technology and social studies and economic history, between biology and social anthropology and between science and crafts.
Brewery History Society (BHS)
The Society was founded in 1972 to promote research into all aspects of the brewing industry, to encourage the interchange of information about breweries and brewing, and to collect photographic and other archive information about brewery history. |
The Journal of the Brewery History Society
Brewery History Brewery History was first published in 1973 and appears four times a year. Its prime aim is to promote historical research into all aspects of brewing and related industries, both in the United Kingdom and broad. The journal comprises original articles, photographic essays, reprints of academic theses and difficult to obtain pieces, and book reviews. The scope of Brewery History includes, but is not limited to, histories of existing and closed breweries, research on associated industries (e.g. malting, hops, retailing, &c.), biographical pieces on key figures, and studies into the social, political and economic impact of the brewing industry. The journal occasionally publishes themed issues on specific topics and provides the option for peer review. |
| is a commercial site (despite its .edu domain) dedicated to academic papers (articles, dissertations, thesis, reviews) posted by scholars. These publications are freely accessible with a simple login. The site is full of publications on the history, sociology, ethnology of the brewery. Just find the right keywords in one language or another (beer, bier, beer, cervesa, cerveja, brewery, brasserie, brauerei, chicha, sake, hops, hops, fermentation, etc). Unfortunatly, Academia has charged fees for searching content since 2016 .... |
BrewingTechniques is a bimonthly magazine available online and in print form. BrewingTechniques publishes many articles on beer history, beside papers devoted to technological issues. Back issues are free available online from May/June 1993 to May/June 1999 (accessed in June 2013). |
Institute of Brewing and Distilling
IGB IGB is born in 2000 from the amalgamation of the former Institute of Brewing and the International Brewers Guild. The IGB was superseded in January 2005 by the Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD). |
Journal of the Institute of Brewing
This Journal publishes original scientific papers relating to the brewing and fermentation industries, their raw materials and by-products. The editor-in-chief is Dr Inge Russell. The Journal and its Institute exist since 1890. An invaluable source of papers, especially for brewing in Commonwealth and abroad (Africa, India, South Pacific) for recent history. Most issues are access-free. |
Medieval / Renaissance Brewing Homepage
This page is devoted to the topic of Medieval and Renaissance Brewing. It is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Many infos & documents about old brews and recipes : beer, mead, … Une information riche, des documents sur d'anciennes recettes : bières, hydromel, … |
Sources for Historical Brewing
..more modern brewing books, and sources for historical brewing. One can join the mailing list... |
Transcripts from the History of Brewing
A limited bibliographical survey given by James Sumner. It covers the 17st, 18st, and 19st centuries for science of brewing mainly in Great Britain. |
A comparison between the industrial and the traditional beers in Africa (fr)
A thematic search undertaken by students at ENSIA (high school for agronomy and food industries) in Montpellier (France). |
Travelers hunting traditional beers around the world in and outside Europe (fr). Remember Michael Jackson, the famous British beer hunter!
Chicha from Bolivia, sahti from Finland, bang-chang or sin-chang from Bhutan, tej from Ethiopia, or kodu õlu from estonian isles and other farm beers still brewed in Europe where nobody believe to find them. An attractive website with clever texts commenting very beautiful pictures. |
Home page : "Whether it's beer from foreign lands, drinking rituals, or on the legitimacy of residue analysis, here you will find my jottings on academic papers, interviews, and brewing. Topics I hope to cover are the current knowledge of brewing archaeology, the roles beer played in the past, and the people acting behind the scenes." |
Lost Beers
A well-documented website. Home page : "The history of beer from Belgium, The Netherlands (Holland), and elsewhere. Looking for beer types that have vanished, and for the stories behind well-known styles, from IPA to gueuze, from saison to lager." Many fascinating, well written and sourced articles. |
Among some pages |
There are hunters of traditional beers, but there are also hunters of myths, legends and untruths about the modern and ancient history of beer. It's a painstaking task to rid the world brewing traditions of these forgeries. The historical reality is much more surprising and exciting than these poor fictions. |
Agropolis Museum
AGROPOLIS-MUSEUM, a Museum of foods and agriculture in the world, was designed by Louis MALASSIS with the support of the scientific community of Montpellier from 1986. In a building opened in 1993, several museographic contributions came successively to form a coherent set of scientific and educational foreground which had to be closed in July 2010, due to lack of sufficient fundings. But the digitalized contents are still available with free access (in french). |
Bière de mil & société dogon (Mali). La bière et le dolo au pays Dogon : origine, savoir-faire et phénomène social. |
Historical depictions, guild signs and symbols of the brewing and malting handcraft
The website of the Bavarian brewery Schlenkerla (famous for its smoky beers made from malt dried with beechwood) hosts pages dedicated to the tools and signs attached to the images of brewers in the late Middle Ages: brewer's star, etc. These pages are preceded by a historical overview of beer brewing since ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. (in English and German). |
The brewer' star and tools in Middle age. |
Abstract of a lecture given by Jean-Paul Hébert at Agropolis Museum on June 25th 2003, ENSIA-SIARC : Voyage aux pays des bières africaines.
- La bière et le dolo au pays Dogon (1ère partie) Origine, savoir-faire et phénomène social
- La bière et le dolo au pays Dogon (2ème partie) Voyage aux pays des bières africaines