The brewing path of starch insalivation (brewing path n° 1).


Beyond the narratives of travelers and the more acute descriptions given by anthropologists, there are few studies about the insalivation of cooked starch dough in order to brew beer. That method viewed as disgusting by modern man, is wrongly considered primitive.


  1. Cutler Hugh, Cardenas Martin 1947, Chicha, A Native South American Beer, Harvard University Botanical Museam Leaflets 13(3).
    • A booklet that describes how to chew cooked corn dumplings to saccharify the brew.
  2. Dumézil Georges 1935, Un mythe relatif à la fermentation de la bière, École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses. Annuaire 1936-1937, 5:15.
  3. Erikson Philippe 1990, « Near beer of the Amazon », Natural History, 90 (8), pp. 52-61.
  4. Grenand Françoise 1972, L'art et les techniques culinaires des indiens Wayãpi de Guyane française (Mémoire), Université Paris V.
  5. Grenand Françoise 1996, Cachiri, l'art de la bière de manioc chez les Wayãpi de Guyane. In Cuisines, Reflets des Sociétés, Marie Claire Bataille-Benguigui & Françoise Cousin, 325:345.
  6. Findley W. P. K 1971, Modern Brewing Technology, Macmillan Press London.
  7. Hartman Günther 1958, Alkoholische Getränke bei den Naturvölkern Südamerikas, Berlin.
  8. Mowat Linda 1989, Cassava and Chicha: Bread and Beer of the Amazonian Indians, Shire, Princes Risborough (64 p.).
    • Leaflet of 64 p. covering all the brewing of cassava beer (Colombia, Guyana, Suriname). Rich B&W illustration. Complete Grenand 1996 for French Guiana.
  9. La Barre Weston 2009, Native American Beers, American Anthropologist 40(2), 224:234.
  10. Nicholson G. Edward 1960, Chicha maize types and chicha manufacture in Peru, Economic Botany 14(4), 290:299.
  11. Schoepf Daniel 1979, La Marmite Wayana: cuisine et société d'une tribu d'Amazonie, Bulletin annuel du Musée d'ethnographie de Genève 29, 113:138.
  12. Sztutman Renato 2006, "Kawewi pepicke". Les caouinages anthropophages des anciens Tupi-Guarani. In La pirogue ivre. Bières traditionnelles en Amazonie, Philippe Erikson (ed.), Université Paris X-Nanterre, Musée Français de la Brasserie, 25:45.


The 6 Brewing Paths (or Brewing Technologies)


Click one of the 6 brewing paths below or navigate through the left menu.

For the scientific overall studies on beer, consult "Science and technology".

Insalivation of cooked starch to convert it into sugars
Malting of germinated grains
Fungi and molds hydrolising starch
Starch hydrolyse with acidic infusion
Enzymatic plants able to hydrolise starch
Over-ripening of starchy fruits like plantain


22/05/2020  Christian Berger